Welcome to Home to the Oregon District
Oregon District
By Ronnie Doyal
Welcome Home to the Oregon District is an exhibition celebrating the Oregon District of Dayton, Ohio. The Oregon District is composed of homes, restaurants, bars, coffee and other unique shops. The district experienced a mass shooting on August 4, 2019. Ten people died, seventeen were injured and countless others were traumatized. In the wake of this event, John Legend and Dave Chappell put on a benefit concert.
Helen Willis, a member of MVAQN, wanted to create a quilt of the mural which memorialized the feelings of so many near to the tragedy. This mural was designed by Tiffany Clark and Amalie Gagnet of the Mural Machine. With Tiffany’s permission, Helen made the quilt. Then Helen invited her quilting friends to make quilts featuring the architecture of Oregon District to celebrate the wonders of this Dayton neighborhood.
This is an exhibit featuring those quilts. MVAQN members Ronnie Doyal, Maxine Thomas, Susan Schaller and Helen Willis created some of the quilts. Brian Partin and Chris Landis quilted two of the pieces.

Bring Some Lovin’ Here Today 74 Green Street
By Helen Willis By Helen Willis

22 Brown Street Love Opens Doors
By Maxine Thomas By Susan Schaller
Other artists who made quilts for the exhibit are Cathy Barnes, Bobbi Baugh, Gwen Brown, Marjorie Heffner, Susan Pickrell, Carolyn Sorrell, Nancy Stone, Ruth Treon and Nan Zantel.