Susan Schaller Frosty
Susan Schaller Frosty
Susan Schaller “Frosty”

About the Artist

A retired anesthetist, I began quilting in 1993. Our home has always been surrounded by large gardens and I am constantly inspired by the varied colors, shapes, and textures of nature there. New techniques and modes of expression in quilting have led me to insatiably explore Shiva Paintstiks and Lumiere paints.

Playing with Lutradur, yarns, Angelina, beading, and thread play with the glorious new fibers also allows me added opportunities to enhance my quilts! 

Susan Schaller Memories of Mardi Gras Susan Schaller Memories of Mardi Gras Detail Susan Schaller Frosty Susan Schaller Frosty Detail

Artist’s Statement

Playing with Lutradur, yarns, Angelina, beading, and thread play with the glorious new fibers also allows me added opportunities to enhance my quilts! 

Artist E-mail

[email protected]