About the Artist

Pam Geisel’s first career was as a graphic designer and she taught graphic design at the School of Advertising Art. Now she makes art quilts full-time and maintains a studio in her Yellow Springs home.
Her early exhibition experiences were with local shows; more recently, her art has been included in national fiber exhibits in Oberlin, OH, Paducah, KY, and at the American Quilter’s Society’s Quilt Week in Lancaster, PA where she got an honorable mention. She also exhibits in regional shows open to all media including at the Dairy Barn Arts Center in Athens, OH and at the Rosewood Art Centre in Kettering, OH where she took home “Best in Show” for her piece “Early Morning Nine Patch” in a juried landscape competition.
I took my first quilting class in 2001 and have been hooked ever since.
Artist’s Statement

Simply put, I paint with fabric. I have always enjoyed art but it was the tactile nature of working with fabric that drew me to quilting. I like to create more texture by adding other fiber elements as surface design. These elements include lace, yarn, embroidery thread, and beads.
I enjoy making both traditional pieced abstract quilts and also representational landscape quilts. With traditional quilts I enjoy the secondary patterns that start to emerge when the blocks are joined together and also how a design will look different if different colors are used in different arrangements. Lately I’ve been experimenting with traditional blocks but creating them in a non-traditional way by fusing smaller pieces to create each colored piece which also adds visual texture.
Artist’s Websites
PamGeiselArtQuilts. blogspot.com